Having taken this medice for a cycle and gone through the subsequent period, I have a few observations to make.
1. I hate night sweats. Every night while taking the pills, I wake up drenched.
2. PMS + me = Royal Bitch.
3. Finding out still no ovulation - 3 days of on and off crying.
4. Period cramps much worse
5. Period shorter by a day. This was actually a GOOD thing, well at least I think it is.
6. My husband cowers in mock fear when I turn into above mentioned Royal Bitch. It doesn't help his case at all.
7. Wondering if it will work this time and questioning even taking it at all at this point causes even more worry, tension, and stress, none of which helps ovulation or TTC.
We'll see how things go this month and see where everything is at in 3 weeks when I get the next bloodwork results. However, I'm beginnning to question if I want to take this stuff for a third month or just go straight to an RE, after getting the referal so that I can go to an RE.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago