Friday, May 21, 2010


Welcome ICLWers! I hope that you come in and sit a while.

This month, I'm going to do the ABC's of well, me. After all, this is a blog all about, well me.
A - April a.k.a. me
B - Bruno, my "little" dog. He's a bloodhound / German sheperd mix.
C - Clomid which I hated being on
D - Daisy, my 13 year old bulldog. She is the grandma of the dogs and thinks her rightful place in on the couch by me.
E - Excited about the weekend because I don't have to be at work!
F - Framboise, specifically Lindeman's Framboise. I will be indulging in that tonight.
G - Google reader. I don't remember how I survived before I put all my blogs I read in here.
H - Home. It's not the best looking place in the world, but it's ours and if anyone knows a free maid service, send them my way.
I - Indy, my big dog who is still a puppy. He's a lab mix.
J - Josie, our lab mix who passed away almost 4 years ago.
K - Kennywood, my favorite amusement park. If you haven't been there, you really should make a trip.
L - Luna Lovegood. I always liked her as a character in the Harry Potter books and would love to make her scarf from the movie. I just haven't found the pattern yet.
M - Mickey Mouse, my childhood lovey who now resides in my cedar chest.
N - NCIS, one of my favorite shows
O - Ovulation or something that I can't seem to do without Clomid at the moment.
P - P, my husband
Q - Questions that I need to think of for the RE next month
R - Rosebush that still needs planted because there has been very little warm weather here recently.
S - Sunshine! The sun has returned here and it makes me happy.
T - Tea, specifically mint. It's a constant for me in terms of drink.
U - Under the sea in honor of the 20th anniversary of The Little Mermaid (that I saw in theaters)
V - Violin. I've played since I was 8 years old.
W - Why? It's the question I've asked many times since starting this journey.
X - Xcitement for going to the RE next month to start on the path of finding out what we need to do. (Yes, I know that excitement begins with an 'e'.)
Y - Young'un, my step-daughter. She recently turned 11.
Z - Zzzzzzzz, what I hope to do tonight


Christina said...

I hope your RE appt goes well! Best wishes with your future plans!

ICLW #131

erika said...

Crossing my fingers for a good appointment with the RE and for a great plan to expedite your journey towards that BFP!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

junebug said...

I like NCIS and Luna, too. Great intro.

Di said...

Good luck with the RE appointment. Be prepared for more blood work than you thought possible!


Marla said...

Hi! Stopping by from ICLW!

I love mint tea, too. I make it practically every day in the summer. Let me clarify. I like iced mint tea. I only drink hot tea with cream and sugar.

I just can't get into that Google reader. Some bloggers can't live without it, but I forget to check it. I just use my blogroll. Lol! To each their own, I guess.

I played violin for 6 years. I wasn't very good. Therefore, I stopped.

Happy ICLW!