Normal! He has a normal count, motility, etc. This makes us very happy. However, this means clomid for me. And we have decided to start after the holidays because we don't want the added stress on top of everything else. My doctor has given us 3 months and then recommending a specialist. So that's where stand in the world of IF. As of right now, we are female factor, anovulatory. A result!
In other news, I became ill late on Thursday after everyone had left. I survived and avoided questions by hiding in the kitchen playing cards with my Dad, uncle, and brother. It worked well to my advantage. Today is the first day since Thanksgiving I've even been able to function. I missed most of ICLW because of being to ill to move from my couch unless it was to the bathroom or the bedroom. All in all, not how I had planned to spend my 4 day weekend. So today I join the land of mostly living with a fever that has finally gone to 99.0. I'll take that for today and here's to hoping tomorrow brings a normal temperature as I have to go back to work since I started a week ago.
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