Welcome to everyone who is here because of the Life from Scratch book tour. If you haven't read it yet, you can purchase it here in book form and here in Kindle form. It was written by the wonderful Mel.
As a warning, this is my first time participating in a virtual book club. Please be gentle. On to the questions...
1. Blogging plays a key role for Rachel in the growth she experiences throughout the novel. How has blogging affected who you are and/or how you see the world?
Blogging has introduced me to a community of poeple who understand what it's like to be infertile in a world surrounded by fertile people. It's also opened my eyes to how each of us have been affected in the ALI community by our infertility or losses. It's helped me grow as a person and helped me become more understanding to others.
2. Rachel’s blog gets very popular when she wins a blogging award and she starts averaging about one hundred thousand hits per day. Would you want your blog to become that popular or would you prefer to stay smaller?
I'm of two minds on that one. Some days, I wish I had more to say and that I had the ability to be a great writer and have people want to come and read what I say. Some days I really wish I had things to say that were worth people coming to read. However, I'm content being a small fish in a really big blogging pond.
3. While she is trying to move on from her divorce, Rachel cleans out The Box- a box of sentimental mementos from her marriage. Do you have a Box of your own? What do you (or would you) keep in it?
I don't have a Box per se, but I do have a trunk. This trunk holds different things from different parts of my life that I have found special enough to want to keep. It has pictures, books, letters, cards, and other assorted things that have helped shaped me. These are things that have come with me through different relationships, several moves, and a lot of heartbreak.
To continue to the next leg of this book tour, please visit the main list at Write Mind Open Heart.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Here from the book tour. We answered the same questions. I agree that sometimes it's good to be content with being a small blog. Good Luck on your journey.
You did great, April! And I'm not just being gentle :-)
I completely agree with your answer on Q1. And I smile when I think of you looking over the items in your trunk.
Congrats on participating in your first book tour! I think you did great!
I answered two of the three same questions (my post will be up tomorrow) and really enjoyed reading your thoughts on them.
I also can really relate to your answer to Q1. I knew very few people "in real life" that were struggling with infertility (secondary infertility in my case) or loss (pregnancy and neonatal for me). Blogging definitely opened up a whole new world for me in which I was able to connect with others who "get it."
Your trunk sounds wonderful. I have one too, along with way too many Rubbermaid containers. I am a pack rat, but now and then do like to look through a lot the special things I have saved from throughout my life, especially stuff from my relationship with my husband and things related to our 2nd child/1st daughter who was born and died in April 2008.
Thank you for sharing!
P.S. I really like the name of your blog! :-) If I had a nickel for every time I said that... ;-)
Here from the book tour...
Your response to the second question is so interesting. Not wanting popularity for the sake of popularity, but wanting to write things worthy of drawing people.
Do you really weave chain maille as it says in your About Me? That is amazing.
I really liked your answer to the 2nd question too,..to be able to blog and write so that it draws people to you. It's such an important part of this world.
Blogging brings us together and for that I am grateful, I'm HERE Today commenting on your blog because of it.
GREAT JOB with the questions and I'm so glad you liked the book.
Here from the book tour! It's my first tour too. I think you did awesome :)
In regards to the second question, I always hear that good content and authenticity are the keys to drawing readers and you have both of those.
I'm also dying to know if you weave chain maille...how does that WORK? So cool.
I have a question -- how much room is there currently in the trunk? Is it filled to the top? Still have space for future years? And what will happen when the trunk is filled?
I am so glad that you jumped into your first blog tour. Thank you so much for doing this.
@Mel - Yes, there is still room in my trunk. Some of the space is taken up by books that my husband stuck in there when we last moved and I will remove them if the time comes that I need more space in the trunk.
@Baby & Jiraffe - Yes, I really do weave chain maille. I learned several years ago and now make micro maille bracelets for random people. It's a deceptively simple process. I'll see if I have any decent pictures online and share them, but I usually forget to take any pictures when I finish projects.
Aren't book tours fun? : ) I enjoyed your answers, & especially your thoughts on blogging. It's certainly helped me grow as a person too.
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