Hello there. I’m not sure anyone is still out there reading blogs or many people still writing them either. It’s been 2.5 years since my last post. In that time, I turned 40, watched my step-daughter leave for college, and finished my journey of infertility by deciding to not pursue parenthood of another child, that 1 step-daughter was enough. Yet I left this blog here, unfinished and without an end. So this post it it, the official end of this little blog of mine. I’m grateful for the support of the community I found through my struggle with infertility. I’ve found valuable friendships and learned my own strength. The end, while bittersweet in that we never had a child together, is not sad. At least it isn’t sad in the way it seemed a decade ago before I found that being me without a baby was ok, that I didn’t need a baby to be whole.
Thank you to everyone who ever stopped here and said hi or offered support when I was at my lowest, so sure I was worthless because my uterus didn’t work. It meant more than I can ever convey here with just words. I looked back and the anguish I read in old posts just hurts, but it helped shape who I am now. I’m leaving all of the posts here for anyone who needs them. Someday, someone else will maybe need to see that they are not alone, even if it feels that way.
So with this, I say goodbye to this blog and best wishes from me to you, wherever you are. Please know that you are not alone. Even if we have never met, I’m thinking of you because I was once there too. Know that you are loved and you are enough, no matter what. I hope your own journey will bring you peace.
Goodbye my friends.
Mental Sampler 30
1 hour ago